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Poultry Show


Poultry Commitee

CHAIRMAN: Beverly Blinka

DIRECTOR:Patrick Mantey

COMMITTEE: Ricky Mantey Jr., Kara Mantey, Chris Smith,

Russell & Rhonda Bentke, Raeann Shelfer, Micah Osburn, Rachel Heater



1. All entries in the category must conform to the rules and regulations specified under the general rules.

2. All poultry will be sifted at the time of entry by a qualified sifter. Each exhibitor can bring a pen of three (3) birds and two (2) spare birds to the sift. Exhibitors are not allowed to alternate birds after going through the sift. Sifted/culled birds must be removed from the poultry barn before the start of the show and removed from the grounds after the completion of the show. Sifted/culled birds stay at the vehicle during the show.

3. The chairman or an assistant will attend the cooping. No change of exhibit from one coop to another will be allowed except by permission from the chairman of the department.

4. Each exhibitor will be responsible for the proper feeding and caring of their exhibits through Sunday, September 29, 2024, and removal of shavings and birds on Sunday, September 29, 2024.

5. Each bird must weigh a minimum of 4 pounds. There is no maximum weight limit. Birds not weighing 4 pounds will be sifted/culled automatically. Weighing is the discretion of sifters or chairperson.

6. Market poultry exhibits must have been owned by the exhibitor from the day of pickup.

7. A parent, guardian or exhibitor must be present at one of the two (2) mandatory poultry meeting held on March 19th or June 4th @ 7:00 p.m. in the Expo Center and pay for bird at one of the attended meetings.

8. Broilers must be ordered online by midnight, June 4th, 2024 and paid for. All birds will be wing banded. Exhibitor will order a box of 50 birds only. Exhibitor can only show birds out of their assigned wing band numbers. Broilers will be distributed on Friday, August 16, 2024, at the Expo Center from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

No refunds on ordered birds. BCFA is not responsible for lost wing bands. Exhibitors will be notified if there is a time change.

9. A pen of broilers shall consist of three (3) birds. A maximum of two (2) pens may be entered per exhibitor but only one pen may be sold through the auction.

10. There will be a separate sifting/culling line for broilers with sifting starting at 6:30 a.m. on Friday, September 27, 2024. Exhibitor and broilers must be in line by 7:30 a.m. Broiler Judging will start at the end of the sift.

11. Each exhibitor must be present for the judging or notify the division chairman of the person designated to handle their pen of broilers during the judging. Only one holder per bird unless an exhibitor needs assistance. If an exhibitor needs assistance, a family member, 4-H or FFA or committee member may assist exhibitor with holding a bird. Only the exhibitor and holders will be permitted in the show area. An exhibitor, parent or guardian, or someone who is available may assist in showing the broilers.

12. Exhibitors selling market poultry in the youth auction will be responsible for processing and delivering them to the buyer within two weeks.

13. Premium money will be awarded for 1st through 20th place.


14. Poultry meetings will be held during the year. All exhibitors must make the Tuesday, March 19th or Tuesday, June 4th meeting at the Expo Center. Meeting can be attended by either or both parents or exhibitor.

15. If a buyer of broilers reports to BCF that buyer was not contacted by exhibitor on the processing of the project, sale proceeds may be withheld from exhibitor and donated to the scholarship fund.

16. Broiler exhibitors shall leave one (1) broiler in each assigned coop (pen). After completion of show/judging the Director will announce that exhibitors shall take home all other broilers. The broiler remaining at the fair shall be released on Sunday, September 29, 2024 from 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. All exhibitors must sign a release/destination form on Sunday, September 29, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

17. Showmanship Buckle will be award in Senior Showmanship grades 3-5, Intermediate Showmanship grades 6-8 and Junior Showmanship grades 9-12.

Heaviest Broiler

1. Must not be from pen of broilers checked in to show.

2. Exhibitor may bring only 1 broiler for opportunity to win.

3. Broilers will be weighed during broiler check in only.

4. Buckle and jacket will be given to Heaviest Broiler winner.

5. Proceeds from sale of Heaviest Broiler will go to scholarship fund.


1. Must be ordered by midnight, Tuesday, March 19, 2024, on ShoWorks ( Each exhibitor may order in lots of 12 birds or 25 birds only. Turkeys will be wing banded. Exhibitor can only show birds that are assigned by the bird wing bands. Turkeys will be distributed on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at the Expo Center at TBA. Exhibitors will be notified if there is a change. Entry fees are to be paid at the meeting on March 19, 2024. No refunds on ordered birds.

2. There will be a separate sifting line for turkeys starting at 6:30 a.m. on Friday, September 27, 2024. All turkeys will be sifted at time of entry by a qualified sifter. Each exhibitor can bring 2 hens and two spares to the sift. Sifted/culled hens must be removed from the poultry barn before the start of the show and removed from the grounds after the completion of the show.

3. A maximum of two (2) hens may be entered per exhibitor.

4. Turkeys with fowl pox will be eliminated from the show and sale.

5. All entries in the category must confirm to the rules and regulations specified under the general rules.

6. The chairman or an assistant will attend the cooping. No change of exhibit from one coop to another will be allowed except by permission from the chairman of the department.

7. Each exhibitor will be responsible for the proper feeding and caring of their exhibits through Sunday, September 29, 2024, and removal of shavings and birds on Sunday, September 29, 2024.

8. Market poultry exhibits must have been owned by the exhibitor from the start of the feeding period.

9. Sifting/culling will be held at 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 a.m. and judging to follow after the completion of the broiler show on Friday, September 29, 2024.

10. Each exhibitor must be present for the judging or notify the division chairman of the person designated to handle their turkeys during the judging. Only one holder per bird unless an exhibitor needs assistance. If an exhibitor needs assistance, a family member, 4-H or FFA or committee member may assist exhibitor with holding a bird. Only the exhibitor and holders will be permitted in the show area. An exhibitor, parent or guardian, or someone who is available may assist in showing the broilers.

11. Exhibitors selling market poultry in the youth auction will be responsible for processing and delivering them to the buyer within two weeks.

12. Mandatory meeting to order turkeys will be Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in Expo Center. Meeting can be attended by either or both parents, guardian, or exhibitor.

13. If a buyer of a turkey reports to BCF that buyer was not contacted by exhibitor on the processing of the project, sale proceeds may be withheld from exhibitor and donated to scholarship fund.

14. Turkey exhibitors shall leave their highest placing (1) turkey in coop (pen) after judging and shall take home all other turkeys. After completion of show/judging the Director will announce that exhibitors shall take home the lowest place turkey. The turkey remaining at the fair shall be released on Sunday, September 29, 2024, from 7:00 -9:00 a.m. All exhibitors must sign a release/destination form on Sunday, September 29, 2024.

15. Market Turkeys must weigh no less than 15 lbs. Turkeys not weighing 15 pounds will be sifted/culled automatically. Weighing is the discretion of sifters or chairperson.

16. Premium money will be awarded for 1st through 6th place.


17. Showmanship Buckle will be award in Senior Showmanship grades 3-5, Intermediate Showmanship grades 6-8, and Junior Showmanship grades 9-12.

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